GERMANY (Leipzig)
LEADER: Multiple
DISCIPLINE: Music / Dance / Theatre
Polli Morph was founded in 2021 in Leipzig, emerging from a group of music education students. Rooted in classical music and jazz, Polli Morph seeks out undefined, fluid art forms, exploring the connections and transitions between different disciplines. The result is a broad spectrum of expression, ranging from the pleasing to the humorous, and even to the absurdly melancholic—blending elements of music, spoken word, and dance.
Scenes and atmospheres in various styles emerge, transform, or dissolve in the blink of an eye, making space for new sounds, mystical stories, or unexpected grooves. Sometimes drawing from prepared material (text/music), and other times completely improvised, the group fosters a trialogue between the soundpainter, the ensemble, and the stimuli from their environment.
As both musicians and music educators, Polli Morph’s artists bring their soundpainting expertise into educational contexts, inspiring children, youth, and adults to express themselves creatively and autonomously.
Antonia Brändle - cello, soundpainter // Johanna Rost - clarinet // Michael Kock - drumset // Caroline Behr - flute // Tillmann Kranz - piano, synthesizer, soundpainter // Leonore Lorek - trombone // Leonie Steuer - trumpet // Sarah Bergmann - violin // All - voice, spoken word, dance, conceptual design, organisation